Yearbook Hall of Fame
Picaboo Yearbooks is proud to host its international yearbook contest. We sponsor this contest to recognize students, staff, and yearbook advisers who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in creating yearbooks for their schools.
Overall yearbook
cover design
Yearbook cover designs, judged based on overall design quality, relevance to school and current year, use graphic and textual design elements.
Yearbook - Overall yearbook theme development is judged based on the use of written and graphic elements carried throughout the entire yearbook.
picaboo originals
page design
The best use of a theme developed by Picaboo Yearbooks , enhanced by the school.
Page layouts judged are based on the overall layout design, the use of innovative techniques, and the use of captions, headlines, graphics elements, etc.
Grand Prize Winners - Best OVerall Yearbook
Hoover High School
2024 Grand PRize Winner - Best overall yearbook design - High School
This achievement recognizes Hoover High School for putting together a notable yearbook at the High School level. The Hoover High School yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their theme, long-time adviser Johnny Stafford stated, “I want to submit our book to see how it stacks up against the work of others. We developed our theme by trying to capture the mood and essence of the year. To our school, the book is a history book. It really captures who we are this year.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Hoover High School who won a $100 Amazon gift certificate along with $250 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
2024 Grand PRize Winner - Best overall yearbook design - Middle/High School
This achievement recognizes Hillside School for putting together a notable yearbook at the Middle School/High School level. The Hillside School yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their book adviser Alex said, “Hillside is a small, independent boarding school of all boys. A huge part of our work with the students revolves around building brotherhood amongst our community. Therefore, I wanted to develop that sense of brotherhood throughout the yearbook. The goal was to showcase our boys in all facets of their lives at Hillside while displaying the importance of brotherhood in their day-to-day lives.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Hillside School who won a $100 Amazon gift certificate along with $250 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
2024 Grand PRize Winner - Best overall yearbook design -Elementary School
This achievement recognizes Clear Sky Elementary for putting together a notable yearbook at the Elementary School level. The Clear Sky Elementary yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their book adviser Nicole said, “We have our 6th graders pick the theme of our yearbook and hold a contest for a 6th grader to create the cover of our books. This year was "sweet treats" and I think we nailed it.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Clear Sky Elementary who won a $100 Amazon gift certificate along with $250 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
St. John Bosco Academy
2024 Grand PRize Winner - Best overall yearbook design -other group/school
This achievement recognizes St. John Bosco Academy for putting together a notable yearbook at the other/group level. The St. John Bosco Academy yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their book adviser Cindy said, “This yearbook was a labor of love. My students wanted to create a piece of art that resembled artwork that might be found in a magazine. They wanted to showcase our unique school in a stylistic and colorful way.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at St. John Bosco Academy who won a $100 Amazon gift certificate along with $250 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
Best OVerall Yearbook pages or spread
Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province
2024 Winner - Best pages or spread - High School
This achievement recognizes Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province for putting together notable pages at the High School level. These pages from the Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province yearbook were selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Adviser Avadhoot who submitted the pages said, “The girls' basketball page in our yearbook is a striking and dynamic spread that vividly captures the energy, dedication, and achievements of our basketball team. Designed by our talented students, this page stands out with its bold use of color, action shots, and creative layout. The background features a gradient effect transitioning from the school colors, symbolizing the team's journey and growth throughout the season. The design process for this page was a collaborative effort involving the yearbook committee, the basketball team, and our student designers. We began by gathering high-quality photographs from various games and events, ensuring a mix of action shots, team huddles, and candid moments. The designers then selected the best images, focusing on those that conveyed the intensity and teamwork of the players. Overall, this girls' basketball page is a testament to the players' hard work and dedication, serving as an inspiring reminder of their accomplishments and the lasting impact of their season. By submitting this page for an award, we hope to honor the team's efforts and share their remarkable story with a wider audience.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
2024 Winner - Best pages or spread -Middle/ High School
This achievement recognizes Hillside School for putting together notable pages at the Middle/ High School level. These pages from the Hillside School yearbook were selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Adviser Alex who submitted the pages said, “One of my favorite sections to create each year is a spread dedicated to graduating students who have been at Hillside for a longer period of time. This year we had 6 students who had been here for 3 or more years. The two main points of focus in this spread this year was including their portrait pictures from all of their years at Hillside while also including a surprise message from a faculty member that has been meaningful in their time at Hillside. In one case, I reached out to a faculty member who no longer works at Hillside but was an integral part of this graduate's growth during his time at Hillside. These messages are always special and make a great surprise on yearbook reveal day in the spring!”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Hillside School who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
Wellington Prep
2024 Winner - Best pages or spread -Elementary School
This achievement recognizes Wellington Prep for putting together notable pages at the Elementary School level. These pages from the Wellington Prep yearbook were selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Wellington Prep who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
St. John Bosco Academy
2024 Winner - Best pages or spread -other/group
This achievement recognizes St. John Bosco Academy for putting together notable pages at the other/group level. These pages from the St. John Bosco Academy yearbook were selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Adviser Cindy who submitted the pages said, “Our boys basketball page showcased our boys team in a whimsical, yet artistic way. We wanted to highlight our senior players while providing a glimpse of their season.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at St. John Bosco Academy who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
Best Yearbook Cover
Providence Classical Christian Academy
2024 Winner - Best Cover - High School
This achievement recognizes Providence Classical Christian Academy for putting together a notable yearbook cover at the High School level. The Providence Classical Christian Academy yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their cover, adviser Kayla stated, “The cover of our yearbook was a collaborative project created by two of our seniors. The yearbook staff senior editors knew of many talented artists in our student body and wanted to showcase as many artists as possible. We collected art from across our school and attempted to use all the submissions we received throughout the book. We wanted to display outstanding artwork created by two of our seniors for our cover. Elam Denham free-handed the pen drawing, and Cadence Velez used his image to create a colorful watercolor background. The image is quite remarkable: detailed and intricate while vibrant and full of color. In the same way, our student body is a group of believers from different backgrounds and traditions who come together to create a beautiful image of Christ. Our united devotion to the Lord has made us vibrant in our faith, just like the watercolor on the pen drawing creates a lively effect.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at The Providence Classical Christian Academy who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
2024 Winner - Best cover - Middle SCHOOL
This achievement recognizes Hillside School for putting together a notable yearbook cover at the Middle School level. Hillside School yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their cover, adviser Alex stated, “This was my fourth yearbook for Hillside and I wanted to do something completely different from the past. It was important to me to include our mascot, the Bulldog, while also including our five core values: Brotherhood, Respect, Compassion, Determination, and Honesty. Our students receive a shade of blue once every three weeks to give them feedback on their progress in the classroom, on the sports field and in the dormitories. These shades of blue let them know where there are areas in need of improvement while also celebrating their succeess as well. That I why I wanted to make sure the cover included various shades of blue."
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Hillside School who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
Northside Elementary
2024 Winner - Best cover - Elementary School
This achievement recognizes Northside Elementary for putting together a notable yearbook cover at the Elementary School level. Northside Elementary yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their cover, adviser Mindy stated, “We are the panthers and everyone in our school is family and family is our school."
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Northside Elementary Elementary who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
St. John Bosco Academy
2024 Winner - Best cover - Other/group
This achievement recognizes St. John Bosco Academy for putting together a notable yearbook cover at the other/group level. St. John Bosco Academy yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Of their cover, adviser Cindy stated, “Our cover was designed to look like a magazine cover story. My students chose to put the man that inspired the mission of our school - St. John Bosco."
Congratulations to the yearbook team at St. John Bosco Academy who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
Best Picaboo Original
Jonesboro-Hodge High School
2024 Winner - Best Picaboo Original- High School
This achievement recognizes Jonesboro-Hodge High School for putting together a notable Picaboo Yearbook original at the High School level. The Jonesboro-Hodge High School yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
On their choice of using a Picaboo Yearbooks created theme adviser, Emily stated, “Our students were immediately drawn to the “Gold Standard” theme. They were hoping for something clean and bold and this one fit the bill. We used the backgrounds, blocks of color, and lines to bring all of the pages together.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Jonesboro-Hodge High School who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
Wellington Prep
2024 Winner - Best Picaboo Original- Elementary School
This achievement recognizes Wellington Prep for putting together a notable Picaboo Yearbook original at the Elementary School level. The Wellington Prep yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Wellington Prep who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
Benhaven School
2024 Winner - Best Picaboo Original- Group/other
This achievement recognizes Benhaven School for putting together a notable Picaboo Yearbook original at the other/group level. The Benhaven School yearbook was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
On their choice of using a Picaboo Yearbooks created theme adviser, Arianna stated, “We are a nonprofit school with children and adults with autism and special needs. We have grown with this school for over 50 years and we have been using this company for our yearbooks for 5 years. The students absolutely love our yearbooks and bringing by it home to share with their families. Every year we have several graduates who had reached their age of twenty two and going to a new program is a bit scary for them. So when they see our yearbooks, the graduates aren’t afraid anymore and know that we are cheering them on when they go to a new program in their district.”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at Benhaven School who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
2024 Winner - Best Overall action shot- elementary
This achievement recognizes O’Dell Elementary School for an amazing action shot. The O’Dell Elementary School photo was selected from hundreds of schools that submitted entries from around the world.
On their choice of using a student photo, Shaila stated, “This photo is a great representation of how much the students loved this book!”
Congratulations to the yearbook team at O’Dell Elementary School who won a $100 towards their 2025 yearbook purchase.
2nd Place Winners - Best Overall Yearbook
Grace Lutheran High School
We always decide on the theme for the yearbook based on the theme for our school year, which was "Come and see what God has done, His awesome deeds for mankind!" from Psalm 66:5. The class decided that they wanted to use the phrase "Come and see us grow" as the title and to use "come and see" phrases throughout the book. That led us to consider the seasons as our visual theme based on the idea of growing. The seasons are represented throughout the book through colors and graphics. I had a class of only 3 students, so it presented challenges but also opportunities for them to be more easily creative and collaborative with a smaller group. This project has meant so much to them and me because it was more work than it usually is, but it was a labor of love. They are so proud of this book and how the theme developed overtime. This book means precious memories. This book means hard work. This book means that this amazing school exists because of God's promises to us and how He provides.
Trinity Academy
I am submitting Trinity Academy’s 25th anniversary yearbook because I think it represents tradition and elegance. I believe our yearbook represents each of our students with integrity and celebrated the significance of this year of their life.
Cascade Vista Baptist School
Created to give the school colors and a soft feel to capture the relationships of our students and staff.
Friendship Christian School
This is our school's 30th Anniversary so we thought it was fitting to do a 90s theme since our school was started in 1993. You'll notice throughout the yearbook that we tried to use colors and themes from the '90s as well as Incorporated a 90s page flashback. On the last page we have a time capsule for the students to fill out and pull out in 30 years themselves to compare this year to their future.
3rd place winners - best overall yearbook design
Providence Classical Christian Academy
As a united school community, we are submitting our yearbook with immense pride. This collective effort is about creating memories for over 500 students and their families, honoring our students, and cherishing the best aspects of our year together. This year, the theme "So Will I"™ was chosen unanimously. Inspired by the song of the same name by Hillsong United, the lyrics beautifully reflect the aspirations and desires of our students. Here's the reasoning behind the theme, shared by the senior who felt compelled to declare it: "So Will I" is a song that has always been important to me because of its reassuring reminders that God's arms are always open to us. At the beginning of the year, when the yearbook theme was being discussed, "So Will I" immediately entered my mind. As a senior, I'm getting ready to go out into the world and see and experience many new things. With nature being one of the main ways I communicate with and feel God, this song speaks a lot of truth and comfort. Knowing that the God who created the universe decided to create and love me is encouraging. "You chased down my heart through all of my failure and pride" is such a significant line to me because I so often deem myself unworthy and too sinful to go to God, but He wants to be with us, regardless of our past, present, and future. We are never too unfit to run back to God. He is omniscient and omnipresent, so there's nothing we could do or say that He doesn't already know about. We are redeemable, loved, accepted, and granted the opportunity to be joyfully close to the Lord's heart. If I've learned anything from the life I've lived, it's that we are given the strength to make it through our tough times by the goodness of God, and through His endless grace, we can always come back to Him proclaiming, "if you gladly chose surrender, so will I!" - Livi Riendeau (12th)
Mary Welsh Elementary
This year's theme is Raider Ready! The teaching staff at our elementary explain to the student each year what it means to be Raider Ready! It's principles are based on being Respectful - Responsible - and Safe that is the Raider Way!
Flint Academy
Flint Academy adheres to a Charlotte Mason-Classical educational philosophy. We wanted this yearbook to represent much of what Charlotte Mason believed education ought to be.
New Hope Christian School
We are submitting this yearbook because we want to showcase the artwork submitted by our student body. We are a small school, so wining would help us toward next year’s project!
Meet the Picaboo Yearbook Judging Panel