Creative Yearbook Sales Strategies: Promos

All this talk about creative yearbook sales may be tough if you don’t feel like a “creative person,” but you don’t need to be! Sometimes the most effective sales strategy for the yearbook is just to talk about it… a lot. Talk about the yearbook early, and often. Create a sense of urgency and buzz. It may take awhile for some students to be receptive but after hearing about the yearbook 1, 2, 3 or even 5 times, they might just start to get curious.

The creative part lies in doing more than traditional flyers, posters and postcards. So what kinds of avenues are there to promote the yearbook?

  • Announce it during school assemblies

  • Announce it during your schools daily/weekly announcement time, or over the PA system

  • Put an ad in your school newspaper, newsletter, sports program or school play program

  • Get social and post about your yearbook on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. Use creative hashtags to create a trending topic

  • Have a contest to allow students to design your yearbook cover or a special page in the yearbook

  • If your school will allow it, draw some chalk art in the quad announcing the yearbook

  • Have your student photographers pass out business card sized ads at events they are photographing that say, “I just took your picture and it may be in the yearbook! Be sure to get a copy today!”

  • Create a yearbook catch phrase and post it around school with postcards, post its and stickers. Something like, Facebook? Yeah right! It’s all about YEARBOOK!”

  • Have a school spirit contest and challenge each class or grade to try and get the most yearbooks sales, rewarding them with something like a special yearbook signing party just for that class or grade

  • Raffle off a free yearbook. You can pull names from those that contribute photos to the yearbook


Generate Ideas and Create Pages Just For You


Creative Sales Strategies: Frames and Mirrors