Yearbooks for everyone fund

Picaboo Yearbooks believes all students deserve the opportunity to have a school yearbook. Each year, the Yearbooks for Everyone Fund will allow us to search far and wide to accommodate students who currently do not have means or access to a school yearbook. By January 1 each year, we will select as many schools and students as we can and provide them the assistance needed to make yearbooks available to everyone.

Recent News

Middle School Gets First Yearbook in 15 Years

Elementary School Makes ‘Yearbooks For Everyone’ a Reality

Also check out our LAUNCH YOUR YEARBOOK program. Where we help schools start or revamp their yearbook program with up to 25% off their first yearbook. Learn about the program here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who benefits from the fund?
Many schools no longer have a yearbook program due to the rising costs and minimum order requirements associated with traditional yearbook companies. New schools may be too anxious to take on producing a yearbook due to lack of resources. At almost every school, a portion of the class can’t afford to purchase a yearbook. We want to make yearbooks available to everyone regardless of their circumstances.

How can I help?
First, you can donate directly to the fund by contacting and arranging to make your donation.

Second, customers from Picaboo Yearbooks’ yearbook brands often round up the cost of their yearbooks which can lead to a small profit generated through online yearbook sales. If you are a Picaboo Yearbooks adviser and would like to share your profits, log into your project and choose to have your profit donated directly to the Yearbooks for Everyone Fund.

Who decides who deserves a free yearbook?
Picaboo Yearbooks reads all of the requests for yearbooks and determines who receives free yearbooks based on the submission. We seek out compelling stories of students going above and beyond to create and provide yearbooks to those who would not otherwise receive a yearbook.

Can my school get free yearbooks?
Has your yearbook program been discontinued due to extenuating circumstances? Are some of your students unable to pay for a yearbook and you want to be sure everyone at school gets a copy? If so, we want to help. Contact us at