Recognize Your Student With a Love Line

You may be wondering exactly what a Love Line is? Love Lines are text based yearbook dedications written and purchased by parents, and other loved ones, to honor and recognize a student’s achievements. 

If your school is using Creator Studio™ and offers this dedication piece, you as the yearbook adviser will have a URL specific to your school. Share this URL on the school website, social media, fliers, etc. for parents to find. 

Some additional ways Love Lines could be used during this unique school year of distance and/or hybrid learning are:

Students can “sign” books virtually.

Set the cost to $0 and share the link out. Let each student write a short message, which would be their signature (in case there will be no option for in-person signing, or you have to distribute during summer/fall). This also adds content to your book, in a year where content may be hard to come by.

Let teachers use it to write a note to their students

This was done by teachers last school year, when in-person instruction ended so abruptly. This year teachers can use the Love Lines to encourage and connect with students since in most cases they had limited to no in-person contact. 

Either or both of these options could be done after your school has offered parents the ability to purchase Love Lines (if your school needs/wants the profit from them). After the ad deadline passes, the site will close, but it can be opened again and the options/pricing are able to be changed.

Check out our Managing Love Lines article in our Creator Studio knowledge base.

If your school chooses to offer Love Lines, use this flyer to walk parents through the process of purchasing. 


Parent Ads and Personalization For Your Student


Using Video in the Yearbook